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Green Nature





Climate Policy 

The climate caucus will support resolutions, NBIs, policies, and legislation that will promote limiting production of Greenhouse Gasses, and other measures that to ensure the viability of our planet for future generations. 




Climate Coalitions

The caucus will participate in climate coalitions around reducing emissions, using nature-based solutions, and advancing adaptation and climate resilience in education and public educational facilities. We will collaborate, for a transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy that is just and beneficial for educators, students, families and all people.


Green Schools

The caucus will provide resources, funding, and legislative templates towards creating public Green Schools  in the United States. We will also promote K-12 initiatives for the reduction of carbon emissions in our local communities. We will help create Green Job pipelines with K-12 Career and Technical Education infrastructures. We will also promote Green Jobs internships, and apprenticeships, for students, families, and community members.

Murky Pool

Events and Outreach


Virtual events, workshops, forums and conference presentations, mixers, celebrations, and other outreach and convening to education and uplift climate concerns


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